What is taste?


Is it something in the food?
Or is it something in the tongue?

If you could taste but the food was bland
Would that be different
Than if the food was tasty
But you can't taste?

Is it in the food then?
Different food
Different tastes
Surely it cant be that simple
Because sometimes the same food
Tastes different on a different day

Perhaps it is something in the smell?
Or something you have tasted before?
A similarity, a familiarity?
A place, or a person, or a time?

Or is it something in the mind?
Something you remember?
Could it be a memory?
That you are trying to recreate
Not just the food
The thought or the taste
But the entire experience
Of that memory

How could you tell
You cant ask another
Everyone's taste is different
Pun intended !


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