Drama Queen

First we got late to the 5th cycle session. Because we forgot to bring the compulsory RAT test before hand and then we went looking for a pastry shop that has sausage rolls. I have 2 drips and one is 4 hours and the other one is 1 hour, then there are 3 saline flushes - beginning, in between and finish, there is also the wait for the doctor and time for prep. So I am always the last to leave. They do serve a nice light lunch of sandwiches, fruit and juice but I am hungry by about 3pm because I only take the sandwich and juice. I get my husband to get me some lunch but because I only have one hand free ( the canola goes in the big veins in and around the wrist) I need something I can eat with one hand. So anything with spoon and folk is out, only something that is not dripping every where and covered up. So sausage roll is the perfect snack. But they are so hard to find in pastry shops around the hospital by noon. Looks like they are all sold out by breakfast. So I found...